Lobster Roach Care Sheet

Naupheta cinerea, a.k.a. The Cuban Lobster Roach a.k.a. Lobster roaches. Lobsters are a small winged tropical roach. They can climb glass and plastic, and while they cannot fly, they can flutter fall at a slight downward angle. A barrier such as my super slick roach barrier will keep them from climbing out of the tub.
1/16-1/8th of an inch when born, adults reach about 1 1/4 -1 1/2 inches
12-15 months
Difficulty Level: 
Lobster roaches can climb glass and plastic and any other smooth surface. A barrier is required to keep them. I like to house all of my roaches in rubbermaid or sterlite containers with screened lids and I use Super Slick Roach Barrier to contain them. I suggest screening 80% of the lid as you can always cover part of it with a terry cloth towel to help retain humidity.
I use egg crates positioned vertically for additional floor/living space. A substrate of coconut fiber (bed a beast, coconut coir) and sphagnum moss can be used as can other soil mixtures. If you use any kind of substrate from a hardware store or garden shop, MAKE SURE IT IS CHEMICAL FREE!
Required Temperatures: 
80-95 degrees
Food Requirements: 
Lobster roaches are decomposers in the wild, eating fruits and other plant material and the occasional animal material. I keep my home made dry roach food available to them at all times. When feeding any fresh fruits or vegetables, do not put in more then they can eat in 24-36 hour period to avoid problems caused by rotten food. I also provide water gel to my roaches as a water source at all times.
Keep food and water gel available at all times. Clean out the waste as needed. I do not allow the waste to get any deeper then 1/2-3/4 of an inch.
Breeding Notes: 
Lobsters reach sexual maturity between 3 and 4 months. They can have 20-30 babies at a time about once a month depending on conditions. Lobsters are live bearing, incubating their ootheca or egg case inside their abdomen until it is ready to hatch. These are one of the fastest producing roaches I carry.